Welcome to your leadership assessment results!
You are new to the world of leadership. Thank you for your honesty. You freely admit you know what you don’t know. This humility and self reflection is critical to becoming the leader you were born to be.
Here’s the good news, you are not a leader by accident. Your company has recognised your potential to be a great leader. And this is before you have acquired any of the skills needed to be great.
Congratulations for being courageous enough to start this journey. As a new leader, your challenge is learning how to work on yourself as a leader. Too often you get caught fighting fires everywhere without thinking strategically. When you face challenges, you always try to solve it yourself.
You do this because this is what you know better. But now, you must understand that leadership is about empowering those on your team to solve problems for you.
Here’s the good news.
Next steps
A few small changes will make a big impact and here is how you can do it: first, we need to establish exactly where you are and what your priorities are. Then, we need to get clear on what you can do differently to address your leadership challenges. Finally, we will be ready to work on your priorities with expert help along the way.
Now that we both have your results, let’s schedule a call for a free 30-minute leadership breakthrough session.
On this call, we will discuss:
1) Your goals in leadership and in life
2) Where you are as a leader right now
3) How we can help you get what you want as a leader.