As we look ahead to 2030 and the coming decade, leaders must adapt their strategies for an increasingly complex future. Here are 5 vital areas to prioritize:
In the present, the past is more knowable than the future, but people think far more about the future than the past. Both facts derive from the principle that the future can be changed, whereas the past cannot. Our theory of pragmatic prospection holds that people think about the future to guide actions and bring about desirable outcomes.
What searching for meaning has to do with it? I was wondering, what do you think is your purpose when you lead people? It’s not just about achieving good results—that’s obvious.
Are you telling people often what to do? When is it appropriate to tell your team members what to do versus letting them figure it out for themselves? When mindset and level of awareness are involved? What’s best for both short and long-term goals for the team?
An expression of the deepest part of us. The significance of the universal archetypes is more than we might realize, it’s part of our lives and most of the stories that we love.