What searching for meaning has to do with it? I was wondering, what do you think is your purpose when you lead people? It’s not just about achieving good results—that’s obvious. Do you aim to make your people happy?Do you strive to keep them engaged?Do you feel responsible for solving any issues that may arise? Expanding on the topic, what happens when we don’t understand our role as parents?Are you there solely to make your child happy? Or are you there to prepare them for life, enabling them to become who they want to be? Is the school’s role merely to keep kids happy? Or is it to impart knowledge and teach them how to learn for a lifelong journey? Our role as leaders, parents, or teachers isn’t solely to ensure people’s happiness. It’s to nurture growth. This doesn’t mean we can’t find happiness along the way; it means happiness isn’t the ultimate purpose—growth is. When your people feel inspired by you, it means they perceive you as not overly strict, not neglectful, and not seeking loyalty just because you’re a good person! It means they see your purpose and why you’re there! How do you find your meaning? Many young leaders (or aspiring ones) are on a profound quest for meaning. When they discover it, they’ll have determination, resilience, grit, and boundless energy to pursue it, unstoppable in their mission to change the world. The intention is truly beautiful. Do I find my meaning? Did you find yours?Frankly, I don’t know. Here’s what I’ve learned—STOP SEARCHING and START GIVING. It’s aching to seek a place called heaven on Google Maps. You won’t find it there, not because it doesn’t exist, but because you need to use the right map. Heaven is within, not pinned on Google Maps… Everything you believe is missing is here.Everything you search for outside resides within you.JUST THAT IT MIGHT TAKE YEARS TO REALIZE IT. Let me share a few ideas on how to nurture growth in your team: You can find meaning in everything you do and further help your team and people around you grow together with you! Schedule a meeting here and let’s start this journey together!